Getting Started with FlashDevelop on Windows 10
FlashDevelop is a free IDE for Windows. You can use it to develop Adobe Flash and AIR applications using ActionScript.
Install Chocolatey
Chcocolatey is a package manager for Windows.
Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the following command:
Install Java 8 SDK 32-bit
FlashDevelop requires a 32-bit java on the system path.
In PowerShell as Administrator:
Install FlashDevelop
Download the latest FlashDevelop setup package from and install it, FlashDevelop-5.0.2.exe
at the time of writing.
Install Additional Software
- Start FlashDevelop
- Install SDKs and other tools using AppMan, from Tools -> Install Software ...
- Flex SDK + AIR SDK
- Flash Player (SA)
- Restart FlashDevelop, so that it can detect the installed SDKs and tools properly.
Create New Project
- Create a new project from: Project -> New Project
- For project type choose AS3 Project
- Set a breakpoint in Main method - Ctrl+Shift+B
- Compile - F11
- Debug - F5