Launch ECS container using AWS CLI - Step 3 - Create Docker Image
Setup an ECS container repository, create a Docker image, and upload the Docker image to the repository.
This is part of a multi-post thread involving these steps:
- Network Setup
- Launch EC2 Instance
- Create Docker Image (this post)
- Create Service
- Cleanup
Define names
# registry (in the form $registryId.dkr.ecr.$
region=$(aws configure get region)
registryId=$(aws ecr describe-registry | jq -r '.registryId')
# image
Create ECS Repository
echo "Create repository $image in registry $registry ..."
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name $image
repository=$(aws ecr describe-repositories | jq -r ".repositories[] | select(.repositoryName==\"$image\") | .repositoryUri")
Create Docker Image
Create a Dockerfile
with the following contents:
cat << "EOT" > ./Dockerfile
# See for all supported
# Oracle Linux categories from Docker Hub.
# this image will be the actual running container
FROM oraclelinux:8
LABEL Name=ecs-test
## System Config
ENV TZ=America/Los_Angeles
# Packages
RUN yum -y install bind-utils
CMD ["/bin/ping", "localhost"]
Build Image
Tag Image
Publish Image
# refresh AWS token for docker
aws ecr get-login-password --region $region \
| docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $registry
# push image
echo "Push image ..."
docker push ${repository}:${tag}